
How can you help us?

By supporting Kailash Humla Children’s Foundation for Nepal you are helping children in Humla, Nepal with vital services such as health and education. Your support will help them to be healthy and educated and thereby have the chance of a brighter future. Your kind support allows us to plan ahead and provide long term commitment to the children.

Make A Donation. Every single penny will be used for the betterment of the education and medical care of our poor children.

You can sponsor a child in many ways


Educational Fees Teachers’ Salary: $12
Medical Care: $5
School Supplies: $5
Uniforms and everyday clothes: $5
Food: $13
Sports and entertainment: $5
Total Per Child / Per month: $45
Total Per Child Per 3 Months: $135
Total Per Child Per 6 Months: $270
Total Per Child Per Year: $540

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