A non-profit Organization (NGO) in Nepal

Welcome to the Kailash Humla Children's Foundation

Kailash Humla Children’s Foundation is the non-profit organization in Nepal, located in the continent of Asia and shares borders with India and China. The NGO in Nepal is designed to help in training, educating taking care and accommodating kids. This establishment is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious humanitarian aid organization established to help the children of Humla, a rural region in Nepal. The children’s foundation aim is to provide support to undeveloped and illiterate families of this region.

Presently, the NGO achieving this mission by educating children in the Muchu region of Humla. This children foundation is established to benefit as many local children as possible. We strive to brighten their futures positions by providing a well-structured education that will introduce beneficial advantages and open the door to many other children’s Foundation in the region.

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